Saturday, March 23, 2019

Alcohol After Workout: Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth

Ok, I do not remember the name of the person who left this mail in my inbox but to be quite frank when I read this question "Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth" I laughed so hard that how great of a question it is!

Alcohol after the workout?

I don't know how big or small this article is going to be as there are a lot of thoughts going in my head and I want to cover a lot.

In this article, I will cover:

Does alcohol affect muscle growth or muscle recovery, fitness goals in general, if it does?
How does alcohol affect muscle growth or weight loss? if yes?
How bad does alcohol affect muscle growth or weight loss?
Alcohol right after the workout?

After that last,
How much alcohol is too much?

So, this article would be pretty alcoholic, just kidding!
This article would be pretty informative!

Having said that,
Let's get right into the relationship between alcohol and workout!

Does alcohol affect muscle growth
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Alcohol And Workout

Everybody drinks whether men or women, these days alcohol is common especially among colleges friends.

This article is not to tell you how good is alcohol or how worse alcohol can be, you are all mature enough to see the right and wrong to know if alcohol is good or bad?

If before even starting the article,

If I ask you this question that does alcohol will affect you if you directly drink after the workout?
What would be your answer?

Come on.. you know what the answer is!

From now, let's discuss:

Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth or Fitness Goals?

If you are into fitness and ever has a dream to achieve to put on decent muscles or have a fat loss goal, whatever the case may be your goal is.

How harmful is alcohol is to you if you have fitness goals?

The answer is YES and NO!

Alcohol is harmful to you and will affect your fitness goals!

Yes, when you over drink it just like any other thing. If you just overdo anything, it will cause damage.

Take an example of water for that matter, you know how good is water is for the body. It is such an important thing that our body is made up of 60 percent of water but, BUT

If you overdrink water, you can eventually give yourself more damage than any good.

Same goes with alcohol!

No, it is not harmful at all if you keep it in limitation.

I believe, there would be no fun if we just suppress everything!

Does alcohol affect muscle growth

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How Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth or Weight Loss?

If you do not know this, let me tell you that your body has no priority to build muscles or lose fat in the first place at all!

There are a lot of reasons to not to get results even if you are not drinking alcohol at all.

Maybe your stress levels are high, maybe your testosterone levels are too low, a lot of reasons...

Alcohol is just one reason of them all!

The number one priority for your body is to protect the cells from damage, it is the number one priority and then there is a big list of other priorities that goes down...

And down there in the last would be muscle building or losing fat.

Not to go off topic, so coming back to the topic of alcohol and fitness goals.

Exactly what happens??

So the body has no priority in gaining weight or losing fat when you drink alcohol, it just postpones this process without producing any results.

Because your body is not actively working to build muscle or lose fat, it is currently working to get recover from the effect of alcohol!

So, if you are that person who is drinking every other day like 2-4 drinks a day and going to the gym, you are just wasting your time.

You will not get anything in return of your hard labor, Period!

How Bad Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth or Weight Loss?

Does alcohol affect muscle growth

Alcohol dehydrates your body and that's why when you drink alcohol in big amounts.

It has been seen time and time again that people complain that they are getting headaches in the mornings.

And then they seek lemon water in the to detox the toxins but still, it takes time to get completely rid of the effect.

Also, one more point I want to add here is,

When you drink a lot, it directly affects your testosterone and if you are a female reading this, it also affects estrogen which are the primary hormones responsible for any kind of result equivalent to fat loss or gaining muscle!

Just to keep these things simple for you guys.

Look at this way,

If anything is going to affect the hormones in any way, you will face delayed results or no results at all.

I hope you are getting how does alcohol affect the muscles!

How Much Alcohol Is Too Much?

What is alcohol?

It is just empty calories so when you drink alcohol directly, due to the reason that it is empty calories, it directly goes into the blood and instantly affects your current state of mind.

Alcohol is yes harmful to you if you drink on a regular basis on a high dosage.

But if you know what you are doing and you have fitness goals like build muscle or fat loss.

You can always adjust and sometimes sacrifice to get to your main priority.

When you drink alcohol, it takes around 2-3 days at the fastest pace to recover your body from the toxins it produces in the body and the effect.

Giving shot maximum than 3 is too much!

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Alcohol Right After The Workout?

Does alcohol affect muscle growth

Or to be simple, how much time you need to wait to sip alcohol right after the workout?

If I cut all the BS and talk straight with logic:

You already know when you workout, you lose a lot of energy in pushing weights and you already are dehydrated.

And when you drink alcohol, you get even more dehydrated!

This process will kill the muscle synthesis process and there would be no proud gain out.

This is how bad is alcohol for muscle growth or any fitness goal if not in limits.

And now you are like, bro I got that but can you give the solution how to adjust them both!

Ok, I got you!

How Do You Manage Gym and Alcohol Together To Achieve Fitness Goals?

If you want to party or want to have fun and also workout,

Make sure to add time between both events.

Add big time difference between WORKOUT and PARTY or FUN.

So, say you had a party tonight, make sure that you are in high dosage of water throughout the day.

And especially after the even of party, drinking more water will flush the toxins again and again when you go to the washroom.

Very Important!

The best solution would be a limitation in consumption.

Please do not, I say it again do not drink more than once a week or max to max twice!

When you are there in the zone to drink, have at max 3 shots!

The protein synthesis happens at max delay to 45 minutes if you can provide enough protein and your daily diet is clean from the starting of the day itself.

The alcohol will not at all affect your gains or results at all!


After exercise, the body requires energy to refill the glycogen tanks[energy tanks] and providing alcohol right after the workout is not at all good idea.

If you want to manage alcohol and still want to achieve your fitness goals, you have to limit the dosage of alcohol to once a week and that too a max of 3 shots.

Make sure you are always on high water dosage to flush out the toxins.

For weight loss, drinking alcohol is just empty calories which will in return make you gain weight as you are eating more calories than eating less!

Have a big time difference between the party and the gym routine so that it won't affect the protein syntheses.

If you find this article "Alcohol After Workout: Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth" informative.


I will talk to you in another article just like this,

                                                         **The Article Is Ended**

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Good Bye and Stay In Touch



Does alcohol affect muscle growth, alcohol after workout, how much alcohol is too much, how does alcohol affect muscle growth

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