Sunday, March 24, 2019

Spot Reduction Of Fat: Is It True or A Myth?

Hello amazing people, how you all doing

In today's article, I will talk about spot reduction of fat in detail.

Is spot reduction is a myth or does it really work?

You will find in this article, is spot reduction of belly fat possible? or any other place like the face or somewhere else?

Hopefully, you are at the right place and I will ensure that this article will be the last article you read to get the complete information on spot reduction!

Spot reduction of fat

Spot Reduction

Before I start the article and tell you each and everything you need to know.

Let me tell you in a brief what is a spot reduction or what actually is it?

Spot Reduction Definition

In the simplest words, spot reduction is simply losing fat from a particular space.

That space can be stomach or face or any other.

You already know where generally the fat is stored most commonly in the body, mostly love handles, stomach, and face etc.

What Exactly The Spot Reduction of Fat Is:

Spot reduction of fat

If I should be completely true with you rn and say what I genuinely feel is.

It is sad that we all who aspire to get fit and achieve all our fitness goals as fast as possible but due to some misconception.


Not having enough knowledge that how actually fat is burnt in the body!

People still believe that

Oh, If I train my abdominal more, I will burn more fat in that area.

On top of that

I have seen a person preaching online on YouTube, yes on YouTube!

It just shocked the sh*t out of me that how and why some people are just spreading wrong fitness mantras.

Oh do this and then do that and this that...

With so much confidence that I even checked out the comments section of the same video and seen people appreciating that:

Yes, I will lose the fat, particularly from the stomach! "SPOT REDUCTION"

Let me explain you the relation between spot reduction and belly fat:

If I ask you now for a sec. that what are muscles? You already know and be like:

Yea, I know, when I flex my arms... I see that bicep popping up, that's my muscle right there!

Yes, absolutely right, that's the muscle.

Now what happens is, the muscles and fats are 2 different things.

First, you got the bones,

and then on top of that, you got the muscles...

and on to of that you got the fat layer which most people want to lose...

and then on top of that, you got the normal layer of skin...

Got it, but the point here is:

If I talk straight with the logic:

Your Goal Is To Lose That Fat Layer, right?

When you exercise, you are training the muscle which is making your muscles bigger. correct?

Understand this,

Muscles and fats are 2 different things.

When you are training any muscle say you are doing bench press.

You are training the muscle and not training the fat! There is no connection in them between both?

If that makes sense.

It's like training the chest will only and only result in the chest fat loss.

Also Read:

How To Lose Your Face Fat[Complete Guide]

Morning Bird or Evening Bird: What's The Best Time To Workout

You Will Not Gain Anything If You Eat This After A Workout

If You Do Not Do This, You Will Never Get Fit In Life!

If I say to you for a second that YES, Fat Reduction is true!

Don't take in it the wrong way but,

Imagine how funny it would look if you trained your abs too much and you lose all the fat from the stomach separately and now you have too much chest fat and extremely lean belly as you trained the abs so much. That's a comedy!

In reality, this is not how things play!

Losing fat from a particular area is not possible and yes spot reduction is just a myth and I seriously don't know how it came out?

I think that people just tend to believe that spot reduction from tummy is possible much more sort of applying the common sense.

Oh, If I do chest press, Ima lose chest, Big NO NO!

If you want to get lean or if you are a girl reading this, you want to get toned to make your abs clear.

Nature has already gifted you with abs, you already have abs in your body!

But, why I can't see them as in the mirror if I have it??

You just can't see the abs because they are covered by the layer of fat.

Every person, I don't care who you are, where you from, your financial status, etc.

Every person has in-built abs.

Spot reduction of fat

Let's understand with an AMAZING example I read it somewhere:

If you have a car say Mercedes and it's really beautiful, REALLY BEAUTIFUL!

And the car is covered from top to bottom with the ugliest cover you can think of.

Nobody knows which car is inside the cover, only you know,

Only you know how beautiful the car is, it's just covered dirty!

I hope you get what I am trying to tell you here...

Spot Reduction Is Just Not A Myth, It's The Biggest Myth Sold In The Industry!

To lose fat from the body, you need to adjust your nutrition properly.

I hope after reading this article you get the complete information on do spot reduction is real or do it works or it just a myth?

Having said that,

If you find value in the article "Spot Reduction Of Fat: Is It True or A Myth? "


That would be greatly appreciated.

                                                         **The Article Is Ended**

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Good Bye and Stay In Touch



spot reduction of fat, spot reduction myth, spot reduction definition, spot reduction belly fat

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