Wednesday, February 20, 2019

How To Build Muscle Mass For Men(Beginner)

So you are this one dude you have recently joined the gym and looking for how to build muscle mass.

Is this was your first day in the gym or you been working out quite frequently? How was your first day in the gym? Tell me in the comments.
Mine was sucked, just putting that out there!

Now don't judge me what was happened. That would be a story for some another blog post.

So you want to know how to gain muscle or how to muscle gain fast. Today in this article I will give you some exclusive tips which will really cut short your learning tax!

So let's get started!

How to build muscle
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How To Build Muscle Mass

So, actually, there are a lot of exclusive tips I want to give you today. The number one is:

1. Be Easy

Now you are thinking that what does that even mean?

By being easy I mean that when you enter the gym or used to go to one. You will always notice that there are a lot of people lifting really heavy weights. Right?

And you have seen people preaching on social media or on YouTube videos that you need to lift heavy if you want to build muscle mass.

The answer is yes, you need to lift the heavy weight but you don't need to as a beginner even for 3 months straight.

It's like, yes you need to workout hard but don't push your own body limits in the initial days.

I am telling you this from my experience buddy, I had tasted that injury down the road in my shoulders.

Keep things easy and focus on building a strong base for at least 3 months straight.

2. Focus On Multiple Muscles At a Time

Now, what do I mean by that?

After you are done with your 3 months straight of building a solid foundation of power and some good strength.

It's time to move on to those exercises that primarily focuses on pumping multiple muscles in one go.

In fitness, we called these compound movements. Like BENCH PRESS, SQUATS AND DEADLIFTS.

I don't care what exercises you do in the gym, is your workout plan is balanced or not. But if you are doing these three exercises on regular with some additional exercises here-n-there.

How to build muscle

How to build muscle

How to build muscle

There is no way that you won't build muscle mass. These 3 exercises are the base of muscle gain!

3. Be Consistent

If you want to be consistent with your gains and want to build muscle mass fast. You need to be consistent with your pieces of training.

Now I said that you need to build a solid foundation of muscle strength as a beginner first in the above point.

Good muscle strength can only be built with some regular training. I know that training alone can be a mood killer and also you need to drag yourself to the gym.

The best way to be consistent with the gym is to have a buddy to workout with.

I also have 2 different buddies that help me and support me a lot. Having a workout partner is just too amazing to have!

4. Don't Ignore Your Nutrition

Guys if you can take one golden nugget out of this article. That would be, focus on your nutrition._!

If you are going to the gym and not providing quality nutrition to the body. It's like you are in your sports car, driving high speed and not filling the petrol when it needs.

I can't stress that enough how dumb I was that I literally wasted 1 year not gaining sh*t! I'm being dead serious rn!

Have good quality food for good quality muscle gain and especially muscle strength.

5. Protein Is Over-Rated

I know that muscle is made up of protein and if you do not provide protein, you won't gain any muscles at all!

I know that you are thinking that, but first let me tell you something.

Look at the way I am telling you rn.

You may have seen people preaching in videos that you need to take a lot of protein this and that.

You know what people perceive this,

Oh, I need to shoot my protein intake up, GAINS...

I have heard the same sh*t and increased my protein without focusing on my diet as a whole. I gained sh*t. Lmao, protein is really over-rated!

I can tell you right now from my experience that yes you need protein to build muscles but in this process of building muscles, focus on your diet as a whole.

A proper ratio of Protein, Carbs, and Fats. A 30/50/20 ratio is an outstanding ratio in building some decent muscle mass for men and women.

Also Read:

Proper Warm-up Exercises Before Any Exercise

What To Do At The Gym[Mistakes To Avoid]

What To Eat Snack After A Workout?

If You Do Not Do This, You Will Never Get Fit In Life


Tho fats are under-rated, people think that if I take fats, I will become FAT!
That would be an article topic for some another time.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this article "How To Build Muscle Mass For Men And Women(Beginner)"

If you liked reading this, just do me a favor, hit that share button, just hit that and share with the whole world that Protein is over-rated in Fitness! Lmao.

                                                         **The Article Is Ended**

I add this last box at the end of each article I post on my website:


Guys, if you know someone who is struggling with Cancer or battling for his life.

It's my responsibility to share this video at the end of each of my Blog Post.

If I could save someone life by sharing this video. I would be Grateful!

I highly urge you to please share this video with that person.



If you are someone who is struggling to make money or looking for an extra source of income part-time,

I highly recommend you to go through this complete Affiliate Marketing Free Training Course.

You will get a tremendous amount of value in it!



Grab your 30 Days Weight Loss Plan designed by me for completely FREE.


I have added the complete nutrition guidance in it!

Good Bye and Stay In Touch



How to build muscle, How to build muscle mass for men, How to gain muscle, How to muscle gain, Muscle Strength.

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