Thursday, February 21, 2019

What To Eat To Gain Weight[Nutrition]

What's up, guys? How you all doing? I hope you all having an amazing day!

So I received an e-mail from a person asking what to eat to gain weight naturally with nutrition?

He has asked what to eat to gain "HEALTHY WEIGHT"

It's a really good question, I thought that a lot of guys may have this questing in their head. Today I will tell you what you have to add in your diet, those foods that make you gain weight.

Let's get started!

What to eat to gain weight
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What To Eat To Gain Weight[Introduction]

In this section, I will not tell you what foods you need to add, that will be covered later.

If you want to gain weight, it is sure that you come into the category of ectomorph.

Bro, who are these species?

No man, these are not a species. Those people that struggle to gain weight. You will not easily gain weight in terms of muscle and also in terms of fat. You just are skinny all the time!

You probably have done eating a lot in the past but I know that haven't done well for you.

So the real question should be when to eat to gain weight fast instead of what to eat to gain weight fast? Later I will tell you what foods to add tho!

If you are a person who struggles to put on weight real fast. You just need to change your regular routine, that's it!

What When To Eat To Gain Weight?

I know that you heard people saying to you that eat a lot and whenever you do eat a lot you just waste that food in the toilet or you just still can't gain none!

The answer is yes, you need to eat food a lot but this time with a changed strategy. What that strategy is what I explain to you in a sec.

When you wake up in the early morning, the first thing that you need to do is to drink at least 3 glasses of water.

What this will do is, it will really give your metabolism a clean kick start! The food that you will be eating after this and on the whole day after this will be actually getting absorbed real good in the body.

Timings and quantity and quality of food that you eat is really important!

If you mess here, you just be staying the same as you are, I can bet you on that for real buddy!

1. Timings

Add mix fruit juice right after freshening up if you can[Optional]

There should be at least 2.5 hours of gap in-between this meal and the next meal.

If you are having a really light meal as snacks like fruit mix[apple, banana, grapes, and some almonds]

You can even decrease the time in-between meals to 1.5 hours.

Timings are very important if you want to gain weight as an ectomorph.

Your body will automatically tell you when is the time to feed it and when it's time to actually add some more time to let the body digest the actual food in the stomach.

Also Read:

What To Eat After A Workout When Losing Or Gaining Weight

Post Workout Snack: What To Eat For A Snack After Workout

If You Do Not Do This, You Will Never Get Fit In Life!

Morning Bird or Evening Bird: What's The Best Time To Workout?

2. Quantity of Food

The quantity of food is also another very important factor when it comes to gain weight.

You can actually gain some decent weight if you provide the body the right kinda food in the right quantity.

Let me try to explain to you guys as an example if you are hungry for food at a level 10 then, only eat till the level 8.

This way you can digest far better.

I mean sometimes you can go crazy when it's your cheat meal or so. It will not be much fun if you go too strict with yourself that it holds no fun!

Go crazy at eating only 2 times in a month, it won't affect you that much. The body needs some "turmoil" to show the strength that it can digest anything.

3. Quality of Food

When you go in this path as I am telling you that correct timing and right quality food plus additional[increased water intake]

Brother, you will actually thank me that your body has actually started to put some weight as the time passes by.

If you always provide your body go eat that savage burger and puck-in what that called "pizza" You are just providing the body with crappy food!

If you eat crappy, you'll look crappy as simple as it may sounds or as complicated you want to make.

Add some whole grain foods, some high protein, and healthy fats combined with all the above three tips that just are listed above, you will see how that works like magic!

What to eat to gain weight

How To Gain Healthy Weight?

If you want to gain healthy weight, you got to eat some healthy food.

As I told you above that you need to focus on getting all these three things right which are "Right Timing" "Good Quality" and "Right Quantity" 

Just focus on all these three things with the list of some foods that I am listing down below:

Foods That Make You Gain Weight

In this, I will tell you what foods you need to add to your diet that make you gain weight.
First things first:

1. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a healthy source of fat. now don't come up with that BS that if you eat FAT, you will become FAT and you want "what to eat to gain weight" "Healthy Weight"

Fat alone will not make you fat, your bad habits of eating make you depending on your body type "Ectomorph" "Endomorph" and "Mesomorph"

What to eat to gain weight

It tastes delicious, it works best to give you real good nutrition.

2. Oats

Oats provide some really good source of nice and clean complex carbohydrates.

I personally add 1 big cup of oats in my diet just because of the reason that it gives long-lasting energy.

It contains a lot of fiber which will help your body to go in momentum with the bowel movement.

Guys, I cannot list all the quality foods here otherwise the article will be like a book to read. NAH, I don't want that.

But I can do one thing which is I can list some quality resources below that will surely help you in covering "Foods that make you gain weight"

Foods That Make You Gain Weight->

That's it guys I hope you enjoyed reading this article "What To Eat To Gain Weight[Nutrition]"


                                                         **The Article Is Ended**

I add this last box at the end of each article I post on my website:


Guys, if you know someone who is struggling with Cancer or battling for his life.

It's my responsibility to share this video at the end of each of my Blog Post.

If I could save someone life by sharing this video. I would be Grateful!

I highly urge you to please share this video with that person.



If you are someone who is struggling to make money or looking for an extra source of income part-time,

I highly recommend you to go through this complete Affiliate Marketing Free Training Course.

You will get a tremendous amount of value in it!



Grab your 30 Days Weight Loss Plan designed by me for completely FREE.


I have added the complete nutrition guidance in it!

Good Bye and Stay In Touch



Foods that make you gain weight, How to gain healthy weight, How to gain weight, What to eat to gain weigh.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!!!!! I finally found something after 2 years of searching!!!
