Friday, March 15, 2019

Is Too Much Protein Leads To Kidney Pain/Damage?

Hello, amazing people?

I got another question from a guy in follow up with the last article I 'd posted.
Basically, he wants to know, is consuming too much protein causes kidney damage?

Are too much protein bad for kidneys or do they produce any kidney stones??

Let's get right into it, I have got a few main and important points that I need to cover up in this article "Is Too Much Protein Leads To Kidney Pain/Damage?"

Too much protein kidney damage
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Is Too Much Protein Leads To Kidney Damage?

Here's the thing guys,

I do not know from where these type of myth come and fly around?

There's no such report as a person consuming protein hospitalized with kidney pain?

After reading this, it also creates a weird feeling in me that Woh.?

As you know that here on the fertile land of AsFitness we bring quality content only.

Let me unfold this whole kidney and protein/protein powder myth!

I will be dividing them into two cases:

Case I.) You Have A Medical Condition In Kidneys

Protein is one of the three macronutrients from all three Carbs, PROTEIN, and Fats.

We all consume protein on a daily basis and how often do you see people getting issues just by eating natural protein foods.

There is no way that consuming protein can make your kidney damage and pain.


As far as the protein supplement is concerned,

Here's the thing guys,

A protein supplement is a natural supplement extracted from milk and do you find milk antidote to consuming in any way??

I don't think so!

That case would be different if you have got some cheap or fake protein box, and I don't know what has in it so maybe that can be a chance to a high degree.

If you have any problem with your kidneys, pain or stones in any way, consult the doctor first!

And if you without consulting the doctor is taking any kind of supplements, leave the whey protein or any kind of supplement, it will create a problem!

It doesn't matter that if the protein is coming from the supplements or any kind of natural diet, it will for sure affect the kidneys.

I hope I cleared that up!

Moving forward, the next category is:

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Case II.) High Protein Diet

I know that you have been told that consuming protein is essential for building the muscles.


But, if you go in excess of anything it is sure to create a problem, that's just the way it is Boy!

If you are consuming too much protein, it ultimately creates difficulty for the kidneys to handle water correctly.

That's why it has been always told in the fitness that if you want to go in a high protein diet, you must and should increase the water intake to at least 3-4 liters per day.

So that the kidney can work properly.

If you are on a high protein diet and you are not drinking enough water then yes, there are chances to some degree for you that too much protein is bad for kidneys.

Simply increasing the water intake would be a simple solution.

It is by far clear that protein does not damage the kidneys at all besides these above conditions!

And it's not the protein's fault that "Protein damages the kidney" NO!

It's your fault that you are not supplying enough water to keep the momentum going without any problem!

Also, it does not mean that you start to undervalue the importance of protein and everything.
Check out these articles for more information:

=> How Much Protein To Build Some Muscles?

=> How Much Protein Do I Really Need??

=> How Much Protein Is Too Much In A Day?

I hope after reading this short article you have got the complete information on does too much protein causes kidney stones? OR Is too much protein is bad for kidneys?

Having said that,

I hope you like the article "Is Too Much Protein Leads To Kidney Pain/Damage?"

And if you find value after reading it.


This motivates me to keep posting more and more helpful content regularly!

                                                         **The Article Is Ended**

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Too much protein kidney, too much protein bad for kidneys, too much protein kidney damage, does too much protein cause kidney stones.

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