Saturday, March 16, 2019

How To Lose Your Face Fat Fast[Complete Guide]

Hello amazing people, I am back today with another valuable article on how to lose face fat fast?
Face fat fast, seems like a tongue twister. Anyways,

Today In this article I will tell you how you can lose fat from your face and neck.

There is a ton of value in this article so make sure to read it from start to end without skipping.

Let's get right into how to lose your face fat fast!

How to lose your face fat fast
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How To Lose Your Face Fat[Introduction]

So, I got this question in my email and as you know here on AsFitness I answer all your fitness questions best of my knowledge and experience.

I got this question in my mail, actually he mailed me 2-3 times and I kinda want to put this article on the website and finally today I am writing this article on how to lose face fat fast.

Guys, I am not going to tell you bluff or any kind of BS that is floating on google or you may see in some videos.

There are some true information out there which really works I cannot deny that!

But for most of the time, you will be fluffed with garbage,

Yes, I said it!

In this article, I will give you complete information on how to lose face fat fast!

How To Lose Face Fat Fast?

Let me tell you something, you cannot reduce your face fat only just like this.

Let me ask you this one thing, where does the body stores fat for most of the time?

I think,

Love handles and,

Have you heard from someone that,

Oh my forearm is gaining fat or even better "my calf is getting chubby"

Again, back to the topic, Yes, exactly! These are the three major regions where the body stores a lot of fat.

If you just want to reduce fat from the face, it's not going to happen separately.

There is no such thing like face fat reduction!

I know a lot of people ask how to lose face fat fast and I just said that there is no such thing like face fat reduction and I know it may shock a few why?

But now, you may be like I clicked on this article "How To Lose Your Face Fat Fast" and man you are telling me that we cannot lose face fat!

Let now talk about the solutions on how you can lose face fat!

One more this before I move further,

There is no such thing like a supplement to lose face fat or lose fat.

If there would be anything like that and if they work just readily, everyone instead of going to the gym would spend a couple of dollars and BOOM!

Here comes a person with 5 percent body fat. WOW!

Reading that or hearing this look like a comedy.

Fat burning supplements would only work if you attach good nutrition with it!

SO, on a serious note, let's jump right into solutions!

Tips To Lose Your Face Fat

As I told you from the above paragraph that losing face fat and not only like face fat! In general, spot reduction from a particular area says the stomach is not possible!

Let me give you some tips that can and will work if you follow them correctly:

1. Cut/Limit Your Alcohol Consumption

How to lose your face fat fast

Alcohol contains nothing but empty calories which is promoting fat storage in different regions where the body stores fat face, on stomach fat etc.

And I know how addictive alcohol consumption can be but here's the thing,

I am not telling to just cut like alcohol just like this!

Oh, I read on AsFitness that I need to cut back alcohol and Ima cut it straight...Yea.!

No, you are setting yourself straight up for failure,

Look up how you started the alcohol in the first place. On the very first day, are you the one who went straight up heavy?


You took your time and you build up a specific capacity and your body adopted just like that!

That's how the body works,

Use this thing against the body and slowly and gradually start to cut back on alcohol for the good!

This may take up to 2-3 weeks or even more.

If you are one of those who does not consume alcohol at all, give me a ^5

Also Read:

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If You Do Not Do This, You Will Never Get Fit In Life!

Moving forward to the next point which is,

2. Water, Water And Loads Of Water

You know why most people develop chubbiness? Because they are not drinking enough water.

All that fat is nothing but water weight!

Just right behind the surface is water which is making the skin look chubby.

When I say that drink a lot of water, I mean 3-4 liters in a day.

What do you think will happen?

You will flush a lot of water, it means you will lose a lot of water weight and hence you will lose a lot of chubbiness from not just face or neck but from all over body!

Face fat will reduce when the overall fat will reduce!

3. Fix Your Nutrition

How to lose your face fat fast

What does fixing nutrition means?

It simply means that you will not eat a lot of simple carbs foods or refined food.

Cut back on all the bad foods like white pasta or white rice, white bread anything white!

Cut back on all those foods which contain the simple form of carbohydrates.

The goal here at this point is to eat less and eat right.

I hope you're getting what I am saying!

4. Cut Sugar And Reduce Salt

I know after reading this you be like WOHH. I am not going to do that!

I love my sweet little donuts!

Listen to me here,

I don't know what you see in other articles or videos?

But this is just the way it is, you need to cut back on sugar because sugar promotes fat storage which goes against our agenda to "lose face fat fast".


Reduce the dosage of salt because when there is too much salt in the body, the body holds water in it in return making you chubby or fat.

5. Start To Exercise or Cardio

How to lose your face fat fast

If you do not have a gym membership then what are you doing bro?

I say if you are following everything right from the given steps, you need to join the gym. I mean there is no reason why not to!

If you do not want to join a gym, then start to do cardio and move your body.

When you move your body and sweat, it when you are burning calories.

So, Very Important!

Start to work out or do cardio.

You can go to the park so that you can do your minimum 45 minutes jogging.

How To Lose Face Fat As A Whole[Blueprint]

If you follow everything as I just said in the above 5 points. Let me tell you what you just did here:

You cut back on alcohol from where a lot of calories are coming from. A massive calorie deficit!

You went to whole foods in low quantity, again you keeping it in low calorie so that your overall calorie consumption can be low!

Then you started drinking a load of water which makes the body flush more and more water!

And then you cut back on salt and sugar so that you may not feel bloated all the time!

And then you started exercising which makes you lose a lot of fat!

And BOOM you are not fat-free and slim.

How to lose your face fat fast

If you are reading the complete guide on How To Lose Your Face Fat Fast step by step, the end thoughts that I am just feeling right now is a must to read!

Here we go:

End Thoughts On Losing Face Fat or Fat Loss

You know when you see a lot of these "lose weight transformations"

They won't tell you what happened behind the scene and how hard work and thing went into place.

All the things you read above are just one way to lose fat overall from the body.

Just like this, there are different strategies like keto etc.. A lot!

Everyone, not everyone, most of the time people will give that little "sip" of how they lost the fat but never tell you the number of things went into it!

I know when you came to read this article "How To Lose Your Face Fat Fast"

You were looking for that one "LITTLE TRICK" or that "ONE FORMULA" or that "ONE MAGIC PILL" or that "ONE SECRET" that can make you lose face fat.

Unfortunately, things don't work that way so I just gave you the whole recipe or blueprint so that you can not only lose a lot of your face fat but can also lose overall fat from the body!

Having said that, if you enjoy reading and find value in it,


Nothing makes me happier than seeing what I wrote just got shared.

                                                         **The Article Is Ended**

I add this last box at the end of each article I post on my website:


Guys, if you know someone who is struggling with Cancer or battling for his life.

It's my responsibility to share this video at the end of each of my Blog Post.

If I could save someone life by sharing this video. I would be Grateful!

I highly urge you to please share this video with that person.



If you are someone who is struggling to make money or looking for an extra source of income part-time,

I highly recommend you to go through this complete Affiliate Marketing Free Training Course.

You will get a tremendous amount of value in it!



Grab your 30 Days Weight Loss Plan designed by me for completely FREE.


I have added the complete nutrition guidance in it!

Good Bye and Stay In Touch



How to lose face fat, how to lose your face fat, how to lose fat on face fast, how to lose face fat fast, how to lose fat on face and neck.

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