Sunday, March 10, 2019

How To Gain Muscles And Lose Fat At Same Time?

Hello amazing people, I got this question in my email that how to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?

I thought it would be a really nice and interesting article to make as I want to give you some deep knowledge.

The question is on burning fat and building muscle at the same time. Right?

Let's get right into it!

How to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time
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How To Gain Muscle And Lose Fat- Let's Understand

Let's look at the science, what science has to say about burning fat and gaining muscle at the same time!

How Gaining Muscle Is Done?

If I cut all the B.S and get straight to the point on how we gain muscle.

You only gain muscle when you eat more and more so that the body can actually go in a caloric surplus.

A caloric surplus is nothing more than you eating and consuming more calories than your maintenance calories.

Let's say, your maintenance calorie limit is 2000 calories per day and you are eating 2500 calories from all the healthy foods.

You are in a calorie surplus and when you move in coordination with all the other factors like proper rest, consistency etc.

You will actually gain some decent muscle just by doing that.

how to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time

Also Read:

Proper Warm-up Before Starting Any Exercise

What To Eat To Gain Weight[Nutrition]

How Losing/Burning Fat Is Done?

Again, if I cut all the B.S and come straight to the point of how to burn fat?

You only lose fat when you eat less food so that your body can go in a caloric deficit.

Now, I don't want you to go in the fasting mode!

Oh, I read on AsFitness that I need to eat less to lose weight so I will go on fasting!

No, that's not what I am saying.

Just don't overeat and be in a caloric deficit.

A caloric deficit is nothing more than you eating less than your maintenance calories.

Again, that same example,

Let's say that your daily maintenance calorie limit is 2000 and let's say that you are eating 1500 calories.

You are in the caloric deficit, you will definitely lose weight because there is no other way scientifically!

Plus, with coordination with all other factors etc, you already know that.

How to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time

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Biggest Tip On How To Burn Fat And Lose Belly

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So, if I came back to the question of how to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?

How To Gain Muscle And Lose Fat- Is That Possible?

As you read above "how to gain muscle" and "how to lose fat", let's jump on the conclusion right here:

If you want to gain some muscles, you need to be in a caloric surplus diet.

If you want to lose/burn fat, you need to be in a caloric deficit diet.

Does that seem possible to you that you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?

What do you think?

I mean, I guess it's not possible.?

As you know, here on this fertile land of AsFitness, we talk about solutions and quality content.

Let me show you how that is possible and what strategies it takes and in what conditions it is possible that you can lose fat and gain muscle same time!

How To Gain Muscle And Lose Fat- The Solution

Burning fat and building muscle at the same time seems impossible, let's see the strategies that how it is possible:

1. Strategy No. 1

If you are a beginner and never have a workout in the past. You are just joining the gym for the first time and the gym environment is completely new for you.

In this case scenario, YES!

Yes, you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time!

Let's understand,

When you are a beginner, you have to take these steps to lose fat and gain muscle same time:


You have to be in your maintenance calorie limit say 2000 calories.

If you are providing quality foods and maintaining coordination with all the other factors like good rest, sleep etc, then what will happen is.


Muscles grow under stress and because of the reason that you are in your maintenance calories and you have never workout before.

Working out for your body is a really new thing as you are putting stress on the muscle like never been.

As a beginner, you will see instant results in terms of burning fat and building muscles at the same time!

Also Read:

What To Eat After A Workout When Losing or Gaining Weight

Gym Workout Plan For Complete Beginners

What To Do At The Gym[Mistakes To Avoid]

What To Eat For A Flat Stomach[Powerful Tips]

2. Strategy No. 2

If you are a fat dude or women, you carry a lot of body fat in your body and you are not training from a while.

Look at fat is energy rn!

It is unused energy actually if you have fat.

Now, what you have to do is:


Go to a maintenance calorie diet.


Train heavy! I just said that you are not training from a while.

As you are not training, it creates the same effect of like a beginner who is not training.

And now, you suddenly jumped on the training with heavy lifts.

Because of the reason that you are in a maintenance calorie diet. The fat will be used as an energy source[as it is unused energy]

If you follow these approach as given in these strategies. You will definitely put yourself to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

Having said that,

I hope you got the information that you were looking for in this article "How To Gain Muscles And Lose Fat At Same Time?"

In the end,

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burning fat and building muscle at the same time, how to gain muscles and lose fat at same time, lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, lose fat and gain muscle same time.

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