Monday, March 11, 2019

Morning Bird or Evening Bird: What's The Best Time To Workout?

Hello guys, today I am back with another article on what's the best time to workout?

People ask a lot of questions on evening workouts or early morning training, what's the best time to work out to gain muscle?

I wonder, you guys ask a lot of questions on the e-mail but none of you guys asked this question What's the best time to workout to build and gain some muscles?

Ok, so now without wasting much time in the intro, let's dive right into the content!

Best time to workout
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What's The Best Time To Workout

Before I tell you my opinion on the best time to workout, let me know in the comments below how do you like to workout, are you a morning bird or evening bird?

Let's continue,

If I tell you frankly, it depends on person to person.

What do you mean by that?

Some people like to work out in the morning because they feel fresh and that way they build their consistency and build muscles.

On the other hand, some people like to crush it in the evenings and workout consistently to build muscles.

Now, if you ask what is the best time to workout? It completely depends on you how you like it!

But man, I thought working out in the morning make more muscle growth, I'm confused! I want to build some decent muscles and will adjust my schedule which helps me to build more muscles!


If you ask me personally what time you workout?

I workout in the mornings as I have got a lot of work to do and I do not want to miss my workouts.

For me, it works best because I have a lot of work in the evenings. So I like to workout in the morning.

Best Workout Time- Advantages And Disadvantages

In this section, I will tell you some advantages and disadvantages to morning or evening workouts so that you can decide the best time to workout morning or night, the way you like and suits best for you:

Advantages To Morning Workouts

1. No Crowd At-All

When I do my morning workout, I noticed this one thing that there is no crowd at all!

All the machines are empty and no-one is there to workout because it takes a tole in the minds of people to wake up early in the morning and move right left.

I don't know if this happens to you or not, but every time the gym is filled with people, there is some sort of weight lifting competition going sub-consciously.

Have you noticed it ever?

You will find different kinds of people in the gym!

Tell me in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Best time to workout

Moving forward,

2. Full Energy All-Day

The next thing I noticed that once you hit the gym in the morning, you are already out of your comfort zone.

And once you get out of the comfort zone, you get in this zone of high energy to face everything you do on the whole day with effectiveness.

I think the reason is that after hitting the gym, all the laziness is gone completely!

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Disadvantages To Morning Workouts

1. Some Risk To Injury

I know a lot of people that workout with me in the morning come empty stomach without eating anything.

And for a simple fact that you need the energy to push heavy weights.

In the mornings, you lack the energy as you came empty stomach.

And because of the reason that you lack energy when you be lifting weights. The pressure will be much difficult to handle.

Best time to workout

2. The Sleep Cycle Goes Off Balance

This is self-explanatory!

A lot of people have different habits, schedules, and preferences.

Most people like to wake up early in the morning and value to have more focus on the routine and on the other side, most people like to stay awake late nights.

Changing the cycle of the body according to the when's the best time to workout will directly result in the disruption of the sleep cycle.

Keep that in mind!

So, what do you think rn? what's the best time to workout during the day after reading the advantages and drawbacks of morning workouts? 

IDK, let's see! Evening workout advantages and disadvantages are yet to come! I'll decide after reading that!

Ok, Got it!

Advantages To Evening Workouts

1. High Strength

The reason is really simple, you wake up early in the morning, had your breakfast, snacks i-n. And in totally you now had 3-4 meals in.

You simply will be feeling high energy because you are not empty stomach as in morning workouts.

This high energy from these 3-4 meals will reflect in the workouts.

Best time to workout

2. Good Stress Relieve

Stress is caused by thinking too much and building pressure on the mind!

Maybe you have a job and you work a lot, maybe you are working on getting your sh*t together.

Whatever the case may be,

But it is scientifically proven that working out releases a lot of stress and make you feel light and fresh.

I say, if you are the type of person that deals with or in general take a lot of stress then it would be optimal that you workout after doing all your daily work.

Disadvantages To Evening Workouts

1. Big Crowds

In the evenings there are a lot of people that workout and in general, I don't care from where you are.

But most people like to workout in the evening.

This creates a lot of crowds. If you are in a big gym with high membership, maybe there is still no crowd.

But, I think a lot of people go and workout in the regular and normal gym with limited workout space, you will face a lot of crowds.

And the last thing that can happen to you is waiting for this dude to get over with his exercise sets and all that! I think you got that.

2. Maybe Procrastination

As you are working from the morning at your place or at home, it creates a type of procrastination in mind that;

Oh, I need to get ready and workout.

Let's take off today and I'll be going to workout tomorrow!

Not maintaining consistency and procrastination can definitely hurt your results in a lot of ways.

Now, at this point of reading, I am considering that you have had a good reason for your own that when is the best time to work out for you.

Moving forward,

Though this article is completely dedicated to what is the best time to work out to gain muscle!

But what if you want to get to know when is the best time to workout to lose weight?

Let me cover them both separately:

Best Time To Workout To Gain Muscle

Let's look at this way,

When you want to gain muscle, you need to lift heavy.

Lifting heavy weights need more strength and more strength comes in evening workouts as you have consumed a lot of meals from the day.

So, if you are looking for the best time to work out to gain muscle, evening workout would be best for you!

Best time to workout

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Proper Warm-up Workout Before Any Exercise.

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Best Time To Workout To Lose Weight

Now, if you want to lose weight, it's completely up to you if you want to workout in mornings or evenings.

Because when you are in the weight loss phase, you don't need much energy.

It would be best if you go and workout in the morning.

Morning workout would be the really helpful empty stomach.

Now, do not compromise on the muscles, have some pre-workout drink or your amino acids in some way that you don't get into the catabolic state while working out.

Best Time To Workout Conclusion

If you have a goal of building muscles and you are looking for the best time to workout for muscle gain.

Then you better be working out in the evenings as in evening workouts you will be in much higher energy and will be able to push a lot of heavyweights than in morning workout.

As I say always and you know already that SIZE follows STRENGTH.

If you are able to lift heavy weights, you are definitely will be going to gain some decent muscles.

Now, it does not mean that those who work out in the morning will gain muscle and those who workout in the evening lose weight.

NO, that's not what I am trying to say here.

There are a lot of things go into building muscles and losing weight.

Seeking the best time to work out for weight loss or the best time to workout for muscle gain is just one aspect of it.

Having said that,

I hope you found this article "Morning Bird or Evening Bird: What's The Best Time To Workout?" helpful and if you do,

Share This Now!

And tell me in the comments how you like to workout? Are you a morning bird or the evening bird when it's come to the best time to workout?
I read all the comments!

                                                         **The Article Is Ended**

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Best time to work out, best work out time, best time to lift weights, best time to workout to gain muscle.

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