Sunday, March 3, 2019

What To Do At The Gym[Mistakes To Avoid]

Hello my new gym goer, How are you doing?
I hope you been doing great recently.

I got a question from a person who wants to get to know that hey man, what to do at the gym and what mistakes to avoid?

I thought it can be an article topic to publish. I just went back in my memory and ran a mental jog and now writing this article to guide you on what to do in the gym and the mistakes to avoid so that you can be a badass!

What to do at the gym
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What To Do At The Gym?

I think first I must start from the mistakes that you definitely need to avoid if it's your first day. You do not want to be neither of these guys that I am about to tell you! NO NO!

My Mistakes Back In The Initial Days

1. The Attention Seeker

Who is a mentally weak thinker?

If this is your first day at the gym, you may not realize who this person is.

This person always notices the weights that other people lifting and start to think that.

I ain't no weak than anyone...!

He is the one who always tries to match the weight as if a person is doing Squats 70 Kg.

This will be the guy that will try to do everything in this power even if he can control the weight or not, he will make this different hunn... Ahh...[Power noises] that he ain't no weak!!

Guys, I hugely suggest you do not fall for the weight trap in the initial phase especially.

You do not have that base of power and strength which is required in the initial days, but do have some heavy ego strengths, do you?

Please do not be this person, you will only receive injury down the read and I have also been that way.

What to do at the gym

2. I Know It All

If you do not know anything about lifting weights and all that with a science backup.

Don't be awkward at the place and try to learn from others and ask questions from the trainer.

There is no shame to ask questions on how to do this exercise or how to do it correctly?

Learn from your trainer's experience and build up your own knowledge base with logic.

Remember what I just wrote "LOGIC", please don't go with any type of bro-science!

If you do not ask questions from the trainer, you will be doing all the exercises wrong and as soon as you'll realize, you have received a sweet injury in your lap! Very Important to ask questions and learn in the initial days!

Also Read:

What To Eat Before A Workout[Men&Women]

What To Eat To Gain Weight[Nutrition]

Morning Bird or Evening Bird: What's The Best Time To Workout

How Much Protein Do I Really Need??

3. Ain't No Warm-up Required

I used to be this one, BIG TIME!

I never ever focused on doing the warm up properly as soon as I enter the gym.

I used to do half warmup and that's it.

There is a set of different exercises that you have to do in order to get the body in the zone, by zone I mean to get in the momentum.

This alone wrong habit of me skipping warm-ups and sometimes doing but not up to the mark. It gave me an injury in the 2nd month in my left shoulder.

Do not do this mistake of skipping warmups.

4. Nutrition Problem

If you want to do everything in the gym, you can do that. I do not care how hard you exercise, how good and clean reps you make, how heavy you lift etc.

If you do not provide the nutrition, solid nutrition packed with healthy foods covering all macro and micronutrients.

You will not gain anything if you miss out this._! Point Blank Period!

I literally wasted my first four months figuring out things and how to build some gains, No Results At All!

I was a little shy kid so I do not ask the trainer many questions that I need to. But I researched a lot and learned a lot from online that probably I will ever learn from anyone.

As you are reading my blogs, go out there and be curious about things and learn from different people and blogs online that are providing you the value content.

A lot of knowledge is out there, just be the sponge and absorb everything!

5. Avoid Heavy Weights Initially

Though I know it is the absolute requirement for gaining and building some decent muscles.

But let me explain why you shouldn't lift heavy initially:

As you are a newbie,

You are just a weak piece of cake, not to diss you but bear with me!

You are strong physically I know that but you haven't done anything like lifting weights earlier.

There is a really high chance that you can hurt something which can later down the road becomes an injury.

I am talking too much about the injury because I have been through in different phases of my gym journey and no one talks about that and once you get it, it's a mess to deal with.

It is better to be cautious every time and when you are doing any exercise, control the weight fully instead of the other way around!

What to do at the gym

That's it from now champ!

I hope you got value out of this article "What To Do At The Gym[Mistakes To Avoid]"


And I will see you in my other articles just like this one!

                                                         **The Article Is Ended**

I add this last box at the end of each article I post on my website:


Guys, if you know someone who is struggling with Cancer or battling for his life.

It's my responsibility to share this video at the end of each of my Blog Post.

If I could save someone life by sharing this video. I would be Grateful!

I highly urge you to please share this video with that person.



If you are someone who is struggling to make money or looking for an extra source of income part-time,

I highly recommend you to go through this complete Affiliate Marketing Free Training Course.

You will get a tremendous amount of value in it!



Grab your 30 Days Weight Loss Plan designed by me for completely FREE.


I have added the complete nutrition guidance in it!

Good Bye and Stay In Touch



What to do at the gym, What to do in the gym, What to do at the gym for beginners.

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