Friday, March 8, 2019

What To Eat After A Workout When Losing Or Gaining Weight

Hello people, AsFitness this side and today in this article, we will talk about what to eat after a workout when losing or gaining weight?

So, I got this question from a regular email sender asking about the post workout nutrition separately and differently from post workout nutrition when losing weight to what to eat to build some lean muscles!

I thought what do I write on this as I already made some articles on post-workout nutrition and pre-workout nutrition.

I came to the conclusion that why not clear some things up on this article when taking post-workout snacks when losing weight or gaining weight.

This will be the real talk!

What to eat after a workout
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What To Eat After A Workout

I told you this in some previous article and I am gonna tell you again and please do not confuse things up, let's keep it simple and understandable.

What is a post workout nutrition?

It is simply the food that you feed the body right after a workout, it all comes under post workout nutrition.

As simple as it sounds or as complicated you want to make...

The point is,

When you workout hard and really good. Your muscles tear up from inside and muscles are made up of protein.

When it comes to nutrition after a workout, it is always preferred to feed the body with lean protein and that's it!

Nothing fancy and other things!

The whole point of post workout is to make protein go inside the muscles so that muscles can start the repairing process at the fastest pace.

Then the email said, What to eat after a workout to build muscles?
Let's talk about that for a sec.

What To Eat After A Workout To Build Muscles

Let me tell you something right here guys,

Post workout means nothing if your nutrition is not on point.

By nutrition, I mean what you eat in the whole day.

Let's say your goal is to lose weight, it means you must and should be in a caloric deficit diet. But your nutrition is like eating good food and a lot and you're in going in a caloric surplus.


I don't care whatever you eat in the post workout. You will never lose the weight if your nutrition is not on point._!

First, fix up your nutrition as a whole and then focus on getting other things right.

What to eat after a workout

As far as this question asks, what to eat after a workout to build muscle?

The answer is simple, provide some lean protein coming from eggs or drink post workout protein shake.

Add a banana or some type of fruit to keep the carbs up.
That's right there your post workout nutrition for building some muscles!

Next thing is, what to eat after a workout to lose weight?

What to eat after a workout

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What To Eat After A Workout To Lose Weight

As I said in the above paragraph, losing and gaining weight is all about what you provide in nutrition to the body as a whole!

For good nutrition, you can go with some protein and veggies.

No need to provide carbs to the body as you need and must have to be caloric deficit during this whole process of losing weight.

I hope this article made the clarification on what to eat after a workout in the minds of many.

If you liked it and find value in the content that I put up here.

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                                                         **The Article Is Ended**

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What to eat after a workout to build muscle, What to eat after a workout to lose weight, What to eat after a workout at night, Post workout snack at night.

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